A few of my favorite things in life

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Tonight I have done a few things around the yard and it time to wind down for the evening. I find doing the blog help.
I will try a few Hawk pictures tonight. We have 2 hawk that visit the yard and I have to tell you they are big! They are Cooper hawks...Enjoy

This hawk was happy when he got his dinner, but not when I came into the yard! So it was back in the house and pictures though the window.

Yes it is two different hawks.

I am slowly learning how to do this Blog thing!


  • At Tuesday, May 23, 2006, Blogger doc said…

    Are you coming in July for my birthday?? You are so nice to do that . . . oh you are coming to visit with Mom, nevermind. (ha, ha, ha ,ha)


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