A few of my favorite things in life

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I have two baby bunny's living in the gardens. We also have some Caroline Wrens that are just about to leave the nest. Here are a few pictures of them and some more of my flowers.


  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The little birds are so cute. Have they left the nest yet? What fun to have those bunnies in your yard. Your flowers are so pretty. Sure wish I had a "green" thumb.

  • At Friday, June 30, 2006, Blogger Dee Dee said…

    Yes Fran, they left the nest last sunday and I got to watch all 5 of them leave. I just sat there with my morning coffe and watch for about an hour. It was wonderful to watch new life take off.
    Thank you on the flowers, they are my passion in the summer...lol. We have 3 bunnys that are in the yard and they do like the flowers!!!!!


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